North End Neighbor Up Night off to a great start

February 21, 2018

We held the first North End Neighbor Up Night here at NECIC last night, and we are happy to report that the initiative is off to a great start! We saw a lot of new faces, there was some exciting conversation, and everyone seemed to have a great time.

There was some in-depth conversation on how to deal with some of the issues facing the North End, as well as the rest of Mansfield. The best part? When an attendee posed a question, in most cases, another attendee could offer some resources and contact information. That’s exactly what North End Neighbor Up Night is all about – residents helping each other!

Here’s what to expect at the next North End Neighbor Up Night, and remember, this is about you, so if you have ideas, suggestions, concerns, speak up and let us know!

  • Check In – As the meeting gets off to a start, this is a chance to share something good happening in your neighborhood, or just in your own life. Birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, new pets, whatever the good news, we want to share in your joy!
  • Business of the Neighborhood – During this portion of the evening, share your concerns, or talk about changes you’d like to see in the community. Offer advice to your neighbors, share information, and work together to get things done.
  • Marketplace – This is a chance to offer up goods or services, to ask for things you may need, or to pass along items that you no longer need. You don’t need to bring them with you, just be prepared to talk about it and pass along your contact info on to interested people.
  • Check Out – Final reminders and strategy.
  • Enjoy a meal and get to know your neighbors! 

The next North End Neighbor Up Night will be held on Wednesday, March 14, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at NECIC, 199 N. Main St., Mansfield. Call NECIC Community Organizer Kay Smith at 419-525-3101 for more information. 


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North End Community Improvement Collaborative
134 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902

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